Was the community involved in this process?
Yes. In 2023, the School Board and administration led the creation of an advisory task force that would assist East Marshall CSD with its facility planning. This group includes members of our communities.
In May, the district conducted a community survey to gather feedback from residents about the facility needs identified by the task force. The survey also asked participants if they would be “supportive of the potential of closing a school building to allow the district to be more efficient?” A little more than 76.6% said yes to a potential closure, while 23.4% said no.
→ 2020 Facilities Assessment: Learn more about the needs outlined in this report
→ Cost Increase Analysis: Learn about the cost of improvements and impact of construction inflation
Will residents vote on the proposed solution to the district’s needs?
Yes. Registered voters who reside within the East Marshall CSD will have the opportunity to consider a $13.5 million general obligation bond referendum on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
How much revenue would an approved bond issue provide the district?
If approved, the general obligation bond would provide the district with no more than $13.5 million in additional revenue to address facility needs and expand at the district's campuses in Le Grand and Laurel.
How long is the bond for and can East Marshall CSD pay it off early?
This would be a traditional 20-year general obligation bond. The district would have the option of retiring this debt early to save on interest charges if the ability exists in the future.
How will an approved bond referendum affect property taxes?
According to the financial firm Piper Sandler, the estimated tax impact of an approved bond would be $2.70 per year on $1,000 of taxable property value. For a home with an assessed value of $150,000, this amounts to an estimated $14.55 per month (or $174.59 per year).
For a commercial property with an assessed value of $250,000, the monthly tax impact would be $50.63. Based on the average assessed value of agricultural land per county, the monthly tax impact for one acre would be $0.35 in Marshall County, $0.32 in Jasper County, $0.30 in Tama County, and $0.28 in Poweshiek County.
East Marshall CSD's overall tax levy rate has declined by more than 23% since 2017.
How does East Marshall’s tax rate compare to other school districts?
We currently have the second-lowest tax levy rate among the member school districts in the North Iowa Cedar League at $10.88 per year on $1,000 of taxable property value.
Hudson CSD has the highest Fiscal 2025 levy rate at $16.68, while Gladbrook-Reinbeck CSD has the lowest at $10.75.
With an approved bond referendum in November, East Marshall CSD would rank behind six other NICL school districts. Five of those schools have approved bond referendums since 2020.
Two other NICL districts — Aplington-Parkersburg CSD and Union CSD — will have bond referendums on the November 5 ballot.

When would the school be closed in Gilman?
The earliest that the current middle school in Gilman could close is Fall 2026. Improvements and additions at the schools in Le Grand and Laurel would first need to be completed to accommodate students in grades 6-8.
If this closure occurs, the district has no plans to repurpose the building. However, the baseball field would continue to be utilized by East Marshall CSD and the community.
→ Read the School Board's statement
Where would middle school students go in the future?
Students in 6th grade would be relocated to the elementary school in Laurel. Students in grades 7-8 would move to the high school campus in Le Grand.
Where will 7th and 8th grade athletic teams practice and compete?
East Marshall leaders will continue to work with the district’s Activities Department, Athletic Director, and other entities to draft a transition plan and provide guidance to those impacted by facility changes.
What are the plans for the middle school building once it's closed?
This is a topic the School Board has discussed at length. If the district’s voters approve the bond referendum on November 5, the earliest anticipated date that students would no longer be educated in Gilman would be Fall 2026. Board members have made a determination to wait until after the bond vote to determine the next steps for the middle school.
Why can't we use some portions of the Gilman campus?
Using portions of the Gilman campus would be possible. However, the issue is the costs associated with construction and continued maintenance and improvements at the site.
The middle school has the greatest need for change based on the facility assessments, which means it also presents the greatest expense. The School Board chose to proceed with the November bond referendum as they believe it is the most responsible use of taxpayer funds and in the best interest of East Marshall CSD long term.
How would the elementary school in Laurel receive EMS services? What about banking and groceries?
The elementary building currently has these services in the school system’s planning and protocols. EMS services are already meeting the needs of the PK-5 environment. Adding one additional grade level will not change this service.
The elementary school currently has processes in place for utilizing the bank and ordering groceries. These services are being managed successfully.
Why should we move forward with these projects now?
Delaying the proposed bond referendum projects will lead to higher costs later due to inflation, rising material and labor costs, and increasing interest rates, among other factors. East Marshall CSD will also need to continue spending limited resources maintaining three schools, instead of two.
Will East Marshall staff be asked to provide input if the bond referendum is approved and facility planning moves forward?
Yes. Continuing to engage with teachers and staff members has been part of our planning process from the beginning and we will continue to include these individuals if the bond is approved by voters.
What are the enrollment trends at East Marshall CSD?
Like many rural school districts across Iowa, certified enrollment has steadily declined locally in the past two decades.
Since the 2003-04 school year, we have seen a drop of more than 36% when it comes to certified enrollment — from 748 students to 511 in 2023-24. Enrollment losses result in less funding from the state.
This decline can be attributed to population that has been lost in our communities, as well as students going to neighboring districts through open enrollment. With declining enrollment and aging buildings, there is a need to right-size and position East Marshall CSD for the future.
Will the projects being considered by voters help East Marshall CSD retain students lost to open enrollment?
Investing bond funds in Laurel and Le Grand to create a learning environment conducive to 21st century education, with more resources for students, could help the district attract and retain families and students.
Our neighbors and peers are also pursuing bond referendums to invest in their facilities, including Marshalltown, GMG, and West Marshall. In the North Iowa Cedar League, Aplington-Parkersburg, Gladbrook-Reinbeck, and Union are also asking their residents to consider referendums on November 5.
As for the remaining members within the NICL, Denver, Dike-New Hartford, Grundy Center, Hudson, and Jesup have all had voter-approved bond measures since 2020.
Do future enrollment projections include open enrollment?
Yes, all of our student population projections include open enrollment.
When is election day?
The election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and polling locations can be found on the Iowa Secretary of State’s website at https://sos.iowa.gov/elections.
You can find more information by visiting the How to Vote section